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Recent projects, musings, drawings, and observations

Pecado Bueno ( ... side skills)

pecado b - eastlake sign detail 2; (dc).jpg

Some advise that I’d give to just about any young person entering a creative field would be to have an extra side skill or two, just for those times when you hit a soft patch in your regular discipline. Could be anything, but a compliment to your chosen field works best. Sign painting is one of several such things that I hold in reserve. Not something that I ever promote but something that I can pull off in a basic sort of way. I’d been doing some things like this before the virus came to town, and it continues to a request that I get from old and new clients. An interest in calligraphy was my introduction to letter shapes, way back in my high school days working with an Osmiroid pen and practicing Italic script.

pecado b - eastlake sign; (dc).jpg

Fortunately, with the right color palette and given a free reign on the design, I can have some fun with it. Pleasant weather really helps also. Such was the case since the end of the last week when I drew up this for a old client, Pecado Bueno, who presciently has always sought out locations that have a generous outdoor eating space. Given the attractive quality of patios and decks during the covid era, he wanted to draw the attention of passers by to the patio at the back of his location on Eastlake Avenue in Seattle, WA.

pecado b - eastlake sign detail 1; (dc).jpg