Line Drawing (Randy)
Randy; R Williamson; ink drawing on paper (stained); circa 1973 (?)
My sister recently sent me a few photos of drawings that I’d done in letters written to her in the early seventies. Among them was this rapidiograph line study of one of my roommates in the first group house that I ever lived in after coming to Seattle. The sitter is Randy Dewitty, seen here embroidering in the living room after a day of studying poly-sci in general and Karl Marx in particular. The room undoubtedly filled with the others who lived there while cigarette and other smoke wafted throughout and Sticky Fingers crackled from the phonograph.
I lost touch with Randy many years ago but would love to know how she is. Working in a DC think tank, probably?
The random spots and stains on the drawing came about naturally, from sitting in a box in an unheated garage for these many years. So cool to see it again. I was still in my late teens when I drew this.