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The Orange Book - painting process shots

The Orange Book (details compared); bottom left corner: R Williamson, acrylic on glass; 8/23

While doing a back-painting on a piece of glass, I frequently flip it over to see how things are shaping up from the ‘viewer’ side and sometimes take a few snapshots. These two images, above and below, compare that same section of the painting in each case.

To the left side is the partially completed painting with the foreground elements largely done. Shadows are cast against the wall behind from the isolated, ‘floating’, elements surrounded by clear glass. To the right is the same section but with the background applied, in this case a fairly saturated cobalt blue green with some darker shadows.

Black scratches were made by inscribing the blue color when it was still wet and applying a final black when it was dry enough. Doing some printmaking as a student was no doubt helpful in learning to think backwards like this.

The Orange Book (details compared); middle right: R Williamson, acrylic on glass; 8/23