The Buzzing - as a GIf
The Buzzing - w/ added animation; R Williamson, 5.23
Having a bit of fun with one of my recent paintings. This GIF is based on my acrylic painting, ‘The Buzzing’, which is part of the Hive Mind show, up now through May. This crop allowed me to introduce a singular honey bee to the scene and send it on a backwards figure eight. This is how I entertain myself on cross-country plane trips.
Retrospective Bust of a Woman; Salvador Dali; 1933; painted porcelain, corn, bread, feathers, beads on string, ink on paper, etc; collection of MOMA in NYC
Oddly, in New York on Saturday when I run into this Dali piece at MOMA where instead of bees, he has picnic ants marching across a woman’s face. The paper strip around her neck seems to be for a zoetrope or similar animation gizmo, so this seemed fitting to include here.