Drop Cloth - Blog

Recent projects, musings, drawings, and observations

San Juan Portraits

Sophia -  R Williamson, acrylic on canvas; 12” x 12”; 2008

Sophia - R Williamson, acrylic on canvas; 12” x 12”; 2008

I never post photos of my girls online. I occasionally do drawings, and less often, small paintings of them though, and I feel like sharing these doesn’t infringe their privacy since they are so interpretive. This pair was done 12 years ago when we were staying on Orcas Island in the San Juans in those golden final days of summer in the Northwest. Hard to get them to sit still for more than an hour, so these were done in about that amount of time.

Oona -  R Williamson, acrylic on canvas; 12” x 12”; 2008

Oona - R Williamson, acrylic on canvas; 12” x 12”; 2008

This second one never got very far, the canvas is barely stained across most of the picture, but still manages to capture her look at the time. Looking at these together, it leaves me wishing that I’d painted their development even more than I did.