Drop Cloth - Blog

Recent projects, musings, drawings, and observations

Honk if You Love Homeless Kids

‘Honk if You Love Homeless Kids’, R Williamson; ink and watercolor on paper; 9/19/20; 22” x 30”

‘Honk if You Love Homeless Kids’, R Williamson; ink and watercolor on paper; 9/19/20; 22” x 30”

One of the many homeless camps in the area surrounding the studio, this one had been swept by Seattle several times in the last 18 months. When it came back this latest time, it totally filled to the brim the triangular pocket park at the bend in Leary Way. The title is from the large lettering that was painted on the side of one of tents. Definitely part of my current Covid suite of sumi ink paintings, this is our new normal until further notice.