Drop Cloth - Blog

Recent projects, musings, drawings, and observations

Double Shell - (glass)

Double Shell - (glass); acrylic and china marker on glass; (vintage window); R Williamson; 2016

Double Shell - (glass); acrylic and china marker on glass; (vintage window); R Williamson; 2016

I’m just starting to catalog and post some of the older pieces that I have in my studio. This glass window painting is from 4 years ago and depicts the same shell in two different neutral palettes. I’ve painted this broken shell many times by now and will no doubt return to it again. Something that I found in the studio building, I was drawn to it in large part because of the broken section that allows you to look at the normally hidden spindle-like inner whorl. Size 18 ½” x 33 ½” with a depth of about 1 ½”.

The frame is the old window casing itself, which is not disguised and so has the crust of age and visible holes where hardware was once attached. Painted off-white and given a light brown glaze that accentuates the creases and cracks. Hangs from a braided metal wire which is firmly attached to the back sides. Signed in upper left corner. As in all of these glass paintings I do, the paint is applied to the backside and viewed through the front.

Double Shell - (glass); signature detail; upper left corner; R Williamson; 2016

Double Shell - (glass); signature detail; upper left corner; R Williamson; 2016

Double Shell - (glass); bottom detail with frame; R Williamson; 2016

Double Shell - (glass); bottom detail with frame; R Williamson; 2016