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Amalfi Duomo - early morning

Amalfi Duomo -early morning; R Williamson, digital sketch; 11/22

A few posts ago, I showed a sketch I made on this same morning, from inside the loggia of the cathedral, the famous duomo of the town of Amalfi. Only in the early morning hours can you hope to find the piazza in front to have only a scattering of people walking through, by 7:30 the boats and buses start arriving nearby and soon the tight space is cheek to jowl with sightseers.

The whole setting and miss-mash design of the place is nothing short of spectacular - jagged cliffs high above, a bell tower with frog-green majolica tiles, the bold graphic stripes of the loggia addition to the church, the 60 steps that rise steeply from the constrained piazza, the adjoining buildings at odd angles, the bakery that is tucked under the church churning out amazing sfogliatelle, the fountain, the narrow approach to the piazza through a thick arched passage, etc.

We could do without all the t-shirts blazing, ‘Keep Calm and Drink Limoncello’, but the Brits seem to be buying them in large numbers, so hard to argue with that.